Thursday, December 20, 2012

Crochet Christmas Tree Ornament

Christmas is just around the corner!!!!! and I am so excited!!!! Can you tell by the use of all of my exclamation marks!!!!!!! Ben and I have decided that since we now are a family of 3 that we should probably try a little harder to decorate for Christmas. That includes bulking up our Christmas ornament collection which is on the verge of extinction. So in an effort to save money and use up some extra yarn, I decided to give our ornament collection a little boost with a cute and easy crochet Christmas tree.
I started by:
  • chaining one then do (2) single crochets in that chain
  • chain one and turn
  • do (2) single crochets in each of the two previous single crochets, chain one and turn
  • repeat this step doing (2) single crochets in each chain until you have reached your desired width for your tree.
  • To make trunk simply single crochet in the middle of your tree until you have reached desired length. Sew in all of your tails.
Then I added a little yellow pom pom and a hook to serve as a bright and shinning start for my tree.


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