Do you ever go to Costco during the holidays when they have the sample stand out, serving and selling that deliciously addicting popcorn?!!? There sits samples of cheddar, almond, zebra, and cinnamon white chocolate popcorn! Are you like me, trying not to act embarrassed as you walk up to the station for the 15th time grabbing another sample? Well I am tired of waiting for another holiday to come around before I can buy another months supply.....and now I don't ever have to wait again! This recipe is so close to Zebra Popcorn flavor that I might just open up a stand of my own and start selling it!
Zebra Popcorn
12 Cups popcorn
1/2 cup butter
1/2 cup butter
1 cup brown sugar
1/2 Karo syrup
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
2 teaspoon vanilla
1 1/2 cups melted white chocolate for drizzling
1 1/2 cups melted milk chocolate for drizzling
1 1/2 cups melted milk chocolate for drizzling
Preheat your oven to 250 degrees. Place popcorn in largest bowl you can find. You will need a large bowl with a little extra room so that you will be able to adequately incorporate the hot caramel and the popcorn. I actually split up my popcorn between two bowls.
Melt butter in a large microwave safe bowl. Add in brown sugar and corn syrup and stir to combine. Microwave until you see bubbles start to form. Once bubbles form, continue to microwave for 3 minutes without stirring.

Melt butter in a large microwave safe bowl. Add in brown sugar and corn syrup and stir to combine. Microwave until you see bubbles start to form. Once bubbles form, continue to microwave for 3 minutes without stirring.
Pour the mixture over your popcorn and stir until the popcorn is well coated. You will want to do this right away so that your caramel mixture does not become hard which will make it nearly impossible to then coat your popcorn. Spread your coated popcorn onto a baking sheet lined with parchment paper or a silpat. Place popcorn in the oven for 30 minutes being sure to toss every 10 minutes. 
Remove your popcorn from the oven and let cool completely before drizzling with melted white and dark chocolate. Let your popcorn rest until the white and milk chocolate drizzle has hardened. I am completely impatient so I place my pan of popcorn in the refrigerator or freezer to harden faster. When cooled, brake into manageable pieces and serve right away or store in an air tight tupperware container until ready to eat.