When I was around 4 or 5 my parents enrolled me in a summer art class at a local zoo. Each class we used different mediums to paint with and used the animals as our muses. Come to find out almost 30 years later and my mother had still kept all of my art! I was really excited to see all of the paintings but what excited me most of all was the idea I had to frame some of them and hang them in Easton's room. I hung one of the paintings above his changing table, which later became a serious problem when he grabbed ahold of it one day, causing it to fall and crack the glass. Easton thankfully was not hurt in the slightest but I knew at that moment that a large frame containing glass within his reach was probably not the brightest of ideas.
I hated to throw away the frame, it was still in great condition, but I didn't really want to take it to a glass shop to have it fitted for a new piece. Thats when I decided to use it as a glassless frame to showcase Easton's artwork as well as any art his cousins or little friends gave him. I simply kept the matte from the frame and glued clothespins on to it so that I could attach anything that would hang.
It turned out great and Easton loves admiring all of his masterpieces. Best of all you can change out the art as often as you want!

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