Early last year Ben and I were asked by a friend if we would be stand in's for some photos. She happens to be the graphic designer for a local restaurant/hotel/winery in Lodi, Wine and Roses, and was taking some new photos for the re-branding of their restaurant. We had never done anything like that before, it sounded like fun and we were going to get a free meal from a really nice restaurant out of it...so why not??! We sat at different tables in the restaurant with different meals placed in front of us and were asked to smile and look like we were having the time of our lives while our photos were being taken. It was a beautiful day and we had a lot of fun feeling like celebrities as the paparazzi took photos of us. After the day was over we really didn't think much about it. That is, until Ben got a phone call from a friend who had been looking through Lodi's Visitors Guide magazine and saw a photo of us advertising Wine and Roses Restaurant.

Hahaha, we had a good laugh and then went out and got ourselves the Visitors Guide magazine to see for ourselves!
It was true! There we were live and in color print! I wish I remember what the heck we were talking about because it looks like I was just told the most hilarious joke of all time, ugh. And yes those are mimosas in front of us and no that is not why I look like I'm having the time of my life...just props :)
Look at us, friends with celebrities!